Keto Wraps (Flaxseed Wraps)

Keto Wraps (Flaxseed Wraps)
Keto Wraps are healthy low carb wraps which easily satisfies your carb craving. I have added some flavour to the wraps which makes it more delicious. The texture of the Wrap is like brown bread and is quite soft. Just avoid over cooking these as they tend to get dry and hard.You may also freeze or refrigerate them for future use.
Ingredients for Flaxseed Wraps
- 1 cup Flaxseed Ground Coarsely. Don't make it too fine otherwise it will be sticky
- 1 cup Water
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1/2 tsp Paprika Powder
- 1/2 tsp Mixed Herbs (Your Choice of Oregano/Thyme/Rosemary)
Filling for the Wraps
- 1 cup Stir Fry Chicken You may use your choice of seasoning. I used Peri Peri Marinade and Tobasco
- 1 cup Shredded Cheese
- 1/2 cup Hummus
- 1 Tomato Sliced
- Jalapenos According to your choice
- 1 cup Iceberg Lettuce Shredded
Instructions for making the Keto Wraps
- Take a small pan (preferably non-stick) and bring the water to a boil
- Now remove it from the heat, add all the spices and mix until dissolved
- Add the ground flaxseed and mix well
- Stir immediately with a wooden spoon preferably until the ground meak absorbs all the water
- The mixture will slowly take a form of a dough
- Place a baking paper/parchment paper on your benchtop or a flat surface
- Now remove the dough ball from the pan and transfer it onto the benchtop or a flat surface. Ensure that the baking paper/parchment paper is placed beforehand.
- The dough should not be too sticky. Incase it is sticky please keep some flaxseed meal aside so that you can sprinkle some when making the wraps
- Now divide the dough into 3-4 equal balls and keep aside
- Place one of the dough balls onto the parchment paper. Place another piece of parchment paper on top to prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin
- Now slightly press the dough ball with your hand and then use a rolling pin to flatten the dough
- Don't roll the dough too thin or it will get soft when cooked.
- You may use a bowl or a plate with sharp edges to get a perfect circle shape
- Now toast the circles on a pan (high-mediu heat) for 1-2 minutes on each side or until it gets brown spots. Don't overcook or the wrap will get very crispy
- Repeat the process and place the cooked wraps on a plate
- Serve them with filling or your choice and toast it
- You may cover the wraps and store in the fridge for upto 3 days
Please watch the video below for filling of the wrap

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