Keema Fry-Dhabba style

Keema Fry-Dhabba style

Keema Fry-Dhabba style

Benetta Lobo
Keema Fry is another local favourite and is usually served at the Dhabbas. It is a simple dish packed with lots of flavours. The texture of the Mince is dry and not the usual gravy style. For best results use either Beef or Mutton mince (finely ground). Keema fry is best complemented with some Parathas, you may also have it with Rotis or Nans.
If you are looking for a quick dish to prepare, this is definitely the one to go for!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Indian, Indo-Pak, Pakistani
Servings 4


  • 1/2 kg Keema (Mince) Beef/Lamb/Goat/Chicken
  • 3 tbsp Oil
  • 1 Onion (100 gms) Finely Chopped
  • 1 Tomatoes (200gms) Finely Chopped
  • 1 tbsp Green Chillies Finely Chopped
  • 1 tbsp Ginger & Garlic Paste
  • 1 tbsp Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 1/2 tsp Black Pepper Powder
  • 1 tsp Chilli Flakes
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 tsp Cumin Powder
  • 1 tsp Crushed Coriander
  • 1/2 tsp Garam Masala Powder to be added towards the end
  • 1 tsp Dried Fenugreek Leaves (Dried Methi leaves) to be added towards the end
  • Salt According to taste

Ingredients for Garnishing (As required)

  • Ginger Julienne cut
  • Green Chillies Sliced


  • Heat Oil in a pan and add the Onions
  • Fry the Onions until translucent, don't brown them
  • Add the chopped Green Chillies and the Ginger and Garlic Paste and stir for about a minute
  • Now add the Mince and stir fry until the colour is changed to brown
  • Add the Vinegar, all the spices (besides the Garam Masala Powder and the Dried Fenugreek leaves) and salt
  • Stir well on medium flame
  • Now add the chopped tomatoes and mix well
  • Now add 1/2 cup water and cover the dish until the Mince is cooked and the water has dried out
  • Once the Mince is cooked, fry it on high flame until the oil separates. The Mince needs to be dry, there shouldn't be any water
  • Now add the Garam Masala Powder and give it a good mix for 1-2 minutes
  • Add the Dried Fenugreek leaves and mix well
  • Keema fry is now ready to serve
  • Garnish it with Ginger slices, Green Chillies/Coriander leaves
  • Serve with Chapatis, Nans or Parathas
Keyword Dhabba Keema, Dhabba style Keema, Keema, Keema Fry, Qeema Fry
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